Welcome to
Eastern Woodland Revitalization!
We Carry the Canoe

A 501 (c) (3) Nonprofit Organization
We empower the voices of Eastern Woodland Indigenous Communities through revitalizing and reclaiming traditional knowledge.

We are an ever-growing group of intertribal citizens who want to change the way our communities are talked about now and in the future. Our family, friends, and the citizens of the various tribal communities we engage with express nothing but support and the desire to see us have continued success. Our success is tied directly to the people, and what we do now affects the next 7 generations.
Our Accomplishments
We boast an array of accomplishments since our creation.
We have hosted classes that brought in citizens from every tribe in Virginia and many throughout the vast eastern woodland region.
We have been hosted by many of the tribes in their school buildings, community centers, museums, and other spaces. Being invited to reservation(s) or native community centers is not something that is taken lightly.
We are a diverse team of people from public educators, researchers, and traditional knowledge keepers.
We are invited into important high-profile spaces like JMU campus events, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, and Colonial Williamsburg.
We are 100% native owned and operated. Our organization focuses on continued growth as a team and often attends conferences together, such as The American Indian Alaskan Native Tourism Conference.